“Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know him and have seen him!””
John 14:6-7 NLT
When you walk with the Lord it’s a sad thing to see people walk away from the faith. Unfortunately, I’ve seen that from a distance and from people that I know personally. It’s heartbreaking. You almost feel like someone died. I think, literally, it’s like the person was alive on the inside and their soul just died. With a natural person dying you can perform CPR or use a defibrillator to shock them back to life. A person walking away from faith in Christ is not so simple.
The Bible even says it is harder to win someone who has turned away, because they have already tasted the goodness of the Lord. They have experienced it for themselves and have still chosen to turn away from the true and living God. Not impossible, but very hard.
It hurts, because God has done so much for us to have eternal life in Christ. He paid our debt on the cross. He lived sinless life and took the punishment that we deserved so we could have a relationship with Him. Not just make us servants to a religious idea or a list of rules. He made a way for us to reconnect back to God. We’re not just here to exist. He makes us alive on the inside!
That life is the light of Christ. To turn away is to turn back to the darkness that He saved us from. When our brothers and sisters turn away it’s not our job to hate them. It’s our job to love them back into family of God. To remember the grace and mercy God has shown us and share it with them again.
“Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?”
Romans 2:4 NLT
It takes us who are remain firmly planted in the faith to extend our branches of love, because we have resolved that there is no other way. There is no other answer and no other option for us in this life and the life to come. We are assured in our hearts that Christ is the answer and He is the only way. We have to hold on to our beginning confidence.
Again, it’s not to beat down those who have questioned it or even rejected it. It is the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit that we use to light the only way we really have – Christ.
That leads us to our Throwback Theology Song of the Week. This from the trio Group 1 Crew and their 2006 project “Group 1 Crew.” The featured track is called “No Plan B.” Tune into the Trackstarz show this week to hear DJ Jeremaya spin this for the Throwback Theology Song of the Day. Until next time…
Peace and blessings,

(l.to r.) Blanca Reyes, Manwell Reyes, Pablo Villatoro