It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas is finally here. Even though this year has felt like 20 years combined into one. We’ve been on lockdown and some of us have lost loved ones to COVID-19. Despite those losses let’s keep our eyes up. Why? Because you and I are still here.
Let’s not allow our vision and our hearts to grow dark because of our current circumstances. Let’s do the opposite. Use them as a motivator to push forward to something greater. Don’t allow the negative things to just weigh you down. Use them as weights to lift to make you stronger.
For me one of the positive things that came out of 2020 was getting my body in order. God has used that to speak to me about my life overall. Exercising regularly is not easy, but it’s good for you. It helps to clear your mind and to handle other tasks better. Being physically fit is a type of being fit mentally and spiritually. You have to work at it consistently and you will start to see the benefits. It all starts with what’s on the inside. What we like to call the motor.
Christ coming was not just to give us a cute baby to look at or cute songs to sing in December. His coming was so He could put something in us. We didn’t have the motor to do God’s will. Like with exercise if you don’t have the motor in you to do it you’ll do it halfheartedly and still won’t get the results. Christ came to put in us hope.
This hope is not just a wish or based on a circumstance. It’s not I hope this happens or I hope things turn out ok. No! This hope is based on the person of Jesus Christ. Christ IN YOU is the hope of glory. We have a blessed assurance. We believe and we know that He came, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins and was raised from the dead so that we can have life and life more abundantly.
Christ is the manifestation of God being who He says He is and doing what He said He would do. We have hope in a sure thing. Now that hope is at work in us to live out the plan of God for our lives. Now we can give that same hope and assurance to others. Christ in you is the hope of glory!
That leads us to our final throwback song of the year. Again it is from the Christmas beat EP that dropped in 2016 by OnBeatMusic aka OB. It’s called “The Meaning EP.” The featured song is called “Lil Drumma Boi.” Enjoy the music and Trackstarz will be back next year. Until next time….Merry Christmas 🎄 and WE IN THE FIELD!
Peace and blessings,
OnBeatMusic – “Lil Drumma Boi”