It’s been crazy. I have to say in my lifetime I’ve seen a lot stuff that you mostly only read about or saw on tv. I have seen movies or documentaries that talked about riots of the past or Black people being beaten by police. Then came along Rodney King in 1991 getting beaten by Los Angeles police on tape.
Fast forward to 2001 you have 9/11, then the numerous mass shootings and then the world dealing with a pandemic. Now on top of that the whole country, better yet the world, is in an uproar over racism and police brutality. This I have to say is the most militant of times I’ve ever lived in. I was telling someone a little over a month ago that it feels like we’re in the Twilight Zone. I said that just from dealing with the pandemic.
Some may not like what I’m about to say, but I truly feel in my heart it needs to be said. This is no time to hide away in a bunker to “inspect it” or fake Christian posing with a Bible for a photo op. These are some serious times that we are living in and what we believe is truly being tested. We are in a fight and we’re being stripped down to the bare minimum. All we really have is God, His word and we have each other.
People are uniting like never before to see change in our society for the better. While we put our feet to the pavement to try and better our society let us as Christians not forget to lift up the bloodstained banner of the cross. Regardless of what happens here our true freedom is in Christ Jesus. Let us fight the oppressor remembering that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal or natural, but they are mighty through God to pull down strongholds. As we go into battle stay armed to the tooth with truth.
“Armed to the tooth
Me and all my troops
No time for a truce
There’s only time for truth
No room for fear, or regular cares
Steer clear of civilian affairs”
⁃ “Civilian Affairs” The Cross Movement
That leads us to our Throwback Theology Song of the Week. This is from the legendary Cross Movement. The featured song is from their 2004 album “Higher Definition.” The featured song is called “Civilian Affairs.” Tune into Trackstarz to hear DJ Jeremaya spin this for the Throwback Theology Song of the Day. Until next time…
Peace blessings,
The Cross Movement – “Civilian Affairs”