“The biggest difference between Jesus Christ and ethical and moral teachers who have been deified by man; is that these moralists came to make bad people good. Jesus came to make dead people live.”
⁃ Ravi Zacharias
“The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.”
1 John 2:17 NIV
This we week we lost one of the great apologists and teachers of the Bible in our time – Mr. Ravi Zacharias. I recall reading in one of the tributes that if the Hall of Faith in Hebrews chapter 11 was rewritten today that Ravi Zacharias would definitely be in it. I don’t know about you, but I can agree with that.
While his family, friends and believers around the world will mourn his loss, because of his teachings that have helped ground so many Christians all over the world in the truth of God’s word; Ravi’s life and ministry will continue to live on. He has left a legacy that I feel mirrors that of the Apostle Paul. Traveling the world teaching the truth. Even able to stand before some of the great and prominent people and share about Christ.
Let us not forget that while we have a lost a great soldier in the faith; let us rejoice in that he is now able to see face to face the glorious Christ he shared with the world for so many years. Not only that, but he is an example of the impact we each can have in our circles as we strive to be learn and be more like Jesus.
While the path of each of our lives is uniquely different we are bound together by a commonality. That is, we were all born in sin and shaped in iniquity, but then came a day that we called upon the Lord Jesus Christ; and were brought out of darkness into the marvelous light. Not so we could become good people, but so that we could become God’s children. Made new on the inside and walking in the ways of God. We were once dead. Now we can live forever.
That leads us to our Throwback Theology Song of the Week. This is from Reach Records artist – Andy Mineo. The featured song is from his 2009 mixtape, “Sin Is Wack.” The featured song is called “The Night of the Living Dead” and features excerpts from a sermon by Ravi Zacharias. Also, it’s is a free download on www.datpiff.com. Tune into Trackstarz to hear DJ Jeremaya spin this for the Throwback Theology Song of the Day. Until next time…
Peace blessings,
Andy Mineo – “Sin Is Wake” Mixtape