Now hold on one second before you tune me out. First of all, this isn’t going to be some spooky spiritual twist about Jesus is our true valentine or anything like that. He is our ultimate expression and essence of love itself. There’s no doubts about that, but let’s put the spiritual brakes on for a minute.
God put Adam in the garden and said it’s not good for man to be alone. He then put Adam to sleep and created Eve. Now I’m about to take some liberty, but Eve had to be BAD. She had Adam’s head spinning. Some of you may know that old song “You got me going in circles. Around and around I go.” Gap Band? 1985? No? Ok I’m showing my age, but you get what I’m saying. LoL
It’s not a sin for men to be attracted to women or for women to be attracted to men. God made us that way. It’s when we lust in our hearts that God has a problem with us. Ladies when you see your Boaz (figuratively speaking) or guys when you see your good thing and you’re attracted it’s ok. God is not going to kill you. Just keep your hormones in check and don’t be led by them.
Your heart is a fragile thing but at the same time it is very durable. We endure a lot tough things in life that cause our hearts to get heavy. We have to endure and fight through. It shows the toughness that God has given us. At the same time that is no reason to just voluntarily expose your heart to an onslaught of heavy gun fire.
It is precious and you must protect it. While at the same time giving it away to love others. Sometimes we’ll make mistakes and give it to someone who will not treat it right. Allow God to lead you so you can meet that person that helps you experience the love of Christ on a whole new level.
The person you can laugh with, build with and grow together in God with. You don’t have to subject yourself to the world’s false definition of love. That’s a fake love. God has more than enough love for you and the blueprint is in God’s word. He has outlined how to love God, your neighbor, yourself and even the person you’re dating or are married to. You can go to the Bible and find instruction. Not just for a holiday, but for everyday. Everyday you can hear from God on how to let them know you love them and let them know “I want you to be mine.”
That leads us to our Throwback Theology Song of the Week. We’re going to hear from the legendary duo Grits. This is from their 2002 project “The Art of Translation”. The featured track is a love song called “Be Mine”. Tune into the Trackstarz show this week to hear DJ Jeremaya play this for the Throwback Theology Song of the Day. Until next time as my friend taught me Feliz día de san Valentín!
Peace and blessings,