“Here is another illustration Jesus used: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.””
Matthew 13:31-32 NLT
It is easy to let the situations around you to cause you to go into hiding. It’s not taking break or much needed vacation. You see the things you are faced with and go hide from them, anyone associated and everyone else. Everyone else have nothing to do with it, but you just lump them in with everyone and everything else.
For me, personally, I’m an introvert and it’s very easy for me to go into a lockdown mode. I just want to get away from everything and everybody. Sometimes I need that. I need to recharge and just process through everything I may dealing with. There are times I just don’t want to be bothered. It is a constant challenge to find the balance between the two.
That’s why it’s important to stay in the face of God. His Spirit can speak to me and let me know when I’m just trippin’. Sometimes we let things get to us and we act in a way that isn’t right. It’s nothing but us trippin’. God has to spiritually slap us and let us know to get it together. Just stop trippin’. In these times we’re getting a little short sighted and we have to allow the Holy Spirit to reel us in so we do what He has called us to do. In other words, act Christ like.
You know those bracelets everyone used to wear that said WWjD? As cliche as those were they served as subtle reminders that as Christians we are to conformed to the image of Christ. Understand that we are by no means perfect or ever will be in this life. We are constantly pressing forward to become the children of God that God has called us to be. We are works in progress.
My pastor recently quoted an old saying that says, “The kingdom of God is already and not yet.” Meaning that it is here and readily accessible to us, but the fulfillment of what the kingdom is to be has not come to pass yet. We accept Christ and we are born again in that moment, but we are not yet all that God has called us to be. So as we continue to live in this life and walk with God we are to shine more of the light of His glorious gospel in our lives for others to see. We allow God’s light into our hearts and shine it through our lives. Whatever dark areas we have in our lives can dissipate as we draw closer to the light of God.
That leads us to our Throwback Song of the Week. Some of you may be familiar with the legendary Tunnel Rats. They were a west coast group of rappers that primarily dealt in battle rap circles in the 90s. Well a familiar face came up through the ranks of this crew. You may know him as a spoken word artist by the name of Propaganda. He started out with this crew before branching off into the spoken word arena. This week’s featured track is their 1999 release entitled “Tunnel Rats” and features Propaganda. This week’s track is called “Let the Light Through“. Check it out and drop a comment on your thoughts on the article and the track. The article came late, but DJ Jeremaya has this on his track list for this week’s podcast. Tune into the Trackstarz show for more. Until next time…
Peace and blessings,
Propaganda – Let the Light Through