Dee-1 on TV! Talks Essence Festival 2018 & Using Your Slingshot
Dee-1 talks to WWL TV about using your slingshot and Essence Festival 2018. DEE-1 ONLINE:
C.Goss | “SacReligious (Rise Up)” featuring Radio B Music Video | @iamcgoss @radioblitz @trackstarz

Rapper C.Goss drops a hot new visual for his single entitled “SacReligious (Rise Up)” featuring rapper Radio B. It’s live now on YouTube. Go check it out and leave a comment here.
Jered Sanders New Single “Eyes” Featuring Bizzle And Breana Martin | @jeredsanders @mynameisbizzle @trackstarz

Jered Sanders teamed up Bizzle and Breana Martin for his newest single “Eyes.” On this smooth laid back track Jered and Bizzle get some stuff off their chests. It’s worth noting this is not the first time where God Over Money have addressed the fans and fellow Believers in their music. From Bizzle’s “Equal Opportunity” […]
Ric Sincere – Spaktakulah ft. Loso and Jeremaya

Frank Harris Gets Raw In His New Song ‘Hellraisers’ | @trackstarz

Frank releases raw Truth, detailing everything from oral sex to his friend getting killed. A song capturing the effects from living the street life, in which Frank candidly shares stories of himself and his friends. Drugs and guns–Frank being one of the few that made it out, reflects on his friends and prays for their […]
Focus On Things Above #TBT | Throwback Theology | @ecrossmusic @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

“Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ […]
Personal Truths – noteworthy

Subscribe to our Channel: Learn more about us: Home Tweets by trackstarz TRACKSTARZ is determined to bring high-quality Godly content to the mainstream. We are a community of creatives who believes that we have a God-given purpose and we are on a mission to make a difference in the world. We […]
Armond Wakeup Drops “East St Louis, Too” | @armondwakeup @trackstarz

Armond Wakeup recently released a loose freestyle titled “East St Louis, Too” on which we hear Armond rapping his face off over Drake’s “Emotionless” instrumental. This is the second “East St Louis” song we’ve heard from Armond, The first being “East St Louis, IL” where he rapped over the “Santorini Greece” instrumental. On the sequel […]