3 Slipups That Independent Artists Do | @mike_sarge @trackstarz

Independent artists and entrepreneurs bring a lot of raw talent to the table, but they can also bring an entitled and naive mentality that can lead to slip-ups in the music industry. This can not only make their lives difficult, but can totally derail a career for many independent artists. While there’s nothing wrong with […]
Comfort Zones And Failure | @mike_sarge @trackstarz

Many of us want to accomplish great things in life but we often find ourselves held back by our own fears and comfort zones. Check out this week’s podcast to hear Mike Sarge discuss reasons you have to fix this problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFdT8vZODtA
The Drop-Off | @mike_sarge @trackstarz

When we compare people that are successful with people that aren’t successful we find a common factor: a “Drop-Off” in results! Sound crazy? Check out this week’s podcast to find out exactly what Mike Sarge is talking about. https://youtu.be/OllErgm4Rlw
Advice Can Be Toxic| @mike_sarge @trackstarz

It’s always good to get different perspectives in life. But are there negatives to taking advice from everyone? Mike Sarge discusses things we should pay attention to when taking advice from others. Check it out and comment below. https://youtu.be/mf8ozLLFRS8
Stop Playing Games| @mike_sarge @trackstarz

So often we delay our own success because we refuse to get our hands dirty and do what is necessary. On this week’s podcast, Mike Sarge tackles this very issue. Check it out and let us know what you think. https://youtu.be/Q_d0ClUe-SM
Why You’re Talented But Unsuccessful PT.2| @mike_sarge @trackstarz

Feeling talented but stuck where you are? Check out this week’s podcast as Mike Sarge continues his series of addressing why gifted people struggle to be successful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvIOEegQyRg
Why You’re Talented But Unsuccessful| @mike_sarge @trackstarz
At some point, someone has complimented you on something you are talented in. But to be honest, why does it seem like the most gifted people are the ones with sub-par results? Check out this week’s podcast addressing why talented people struggle to be successful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoNWB0mgKjI
Stop Striving For Perfection| @mike_sarge @trackstarz
When people ask me how to reach their goals, I give them a simple answer: STOP striving for perfection!! Sound crazy? Check out this week’s podcast to find out exactly what I’m talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L18wjDCR2IQ
It’s Okay To Care| @mike_sarge @trackstarz
On a regular basis, people walk around with the mentality that they don’t care about what is being said about them. But isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? On this week’s podcast, Mike Sarge challenges the mindset that we shouldn’t ignore everything people say about us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2sdQv-qrj0
Leadership 101: Part 1| Podcast| @mike_sarge @trackstarz
Are you someone that other people strive to imitate? Are you a leader? Do you even know what it takes to become one? For the next few podcast episodes, Mike Sarge will be giving out tips that will help you become a more effective leader that others will want to follow. Check it out and let us […]