Irresponsible Leadership Creates an Occasion to Blaspheme Christ | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Thankfully, our country is moving out of an era where an occasion to blaspheme Christ has been given to the American public, onlookers from other countries, and skeptics of faith in Christ alike. This occasion was given by not only authority in the form of the President, but pastors and ministers who claimed to be […]
6 Things That Need to Be in Place Before Christian Dating | @trackstarz @intercession4ag

There are some things that should be in place before Christian dating. It’s interesting how many want to just jump into a relationship without wisdom or support. Dating is no joke. Yes, it’s just a set time to meet someone getting to know them. However, dating can easily become serious as it can involve the […]
Dealing w/Those Who Project Their Issues Onto Us: |@intercession4ag @russelynwilliams @trackstarz

What does projecting onto someone mean? It is interesting how being in bondage makes others feel comfortable while walking in freedom can trigger others making them feel the opposite. People see the result of your process to freedom, but they do not see your struggle as you humbly worked your way through your own personal […]
Overcoming Perfectionism Through Embracing Humility | @trackstarz @intercession4ag

Perfectionists can be stressed out people because perfectionists often keep up appearances to be approved by others. They embrace the pride from their works of perfection to be accepted. When they do well, they feel good about themselves. When they fail at their efforts; they feel as if they aren’t good enough. Perfectionists have inner […]
Single Versus Married | @trackstarz @intercession4ag
I’ve been single for a while now. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it. It’s just my life and I am happy with it. Recently I discovered some people weren’t as happy with my singleness as I am. I had no idea my single status had such an effect on others. Apparently, […]
5 Reasons Why Kevin Samuels Teachings are Dangerous for Women | @intercession4ag @trackstarz
While we live in this world we are not to live as those of the world’s system. As believers, we operate according to a different system and that system is the kingdom of God. This means as believers we have to be discerning about the wisdom and knowledge that we take in as it will […]
Dealing w/Disappointment |@intercession4ag @trackstarz
Disappointment is inevitable when we have hope. Everyone will experience disappointment. The idea is not to avoid hope to avoid disappointment but to process disappointment well. The Bible says hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life (Proverbs 13:12.) Even the Bible acknowledges the relationship between hope and […]
Was Will’s Response to Chris Rock’s Joke Protection of Black Women? | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

There has been a lot of chatter about the whole Will Smith slapping Chris Rock all week at the Oscar. One consistent theme is viewing Will Smith’s response to that of protecting Black women. I disagree with this interpretation and here is why. In real life, a man resulting to violence to protect a woman […]
Overcoming the Fear of Man: | @trackstarz @intercession4ag
Last week we discussed the fear of man. We discussed the fear of man operating in religious people who seek to confine others to their understandings, personal convictions, and lifestyles. This is indeed a form of bondage that prevents us from being ourselves and causes us to walk in disobedience toward God by obeying the […]
The Deceitfulness of Riches | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

The Bible talks about the deceitfulness of riches and its ability to choke the Word of God out of us. At that point, the Word of God is no longer our focus, but other things that we deem more important. But the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other […]