When you feel dropped by the Lord | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

When You Feel Dropped by the Lord Have you ever gone through a season where you felt dropped by the Lord? If you have not you will. It’s only a part of life, especially for those who seek God with their whole heart. We acknowledge God in all of our decision-making rejoicing in his goodness. […]
Flewed Out. When to allow or Reject? | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Flewed Out. What does this term mean? It’s a trending term in dating. People who are seeking to date who live in different states fly out to meet one another. Getting flewed out normally means the gentleman flies the girl out covering her expenses. The reality is we better know who is asking us to […]
How Attraction Works and More | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Did you know attraction starts with an emotional connection that comes from vulnerability? Often the best relationships are built from friendship which is the best breeding ground for this type of vulnerability. This may provide some encouragement to talk to the guy you do not have an initial attraction toward or vice versa with the fellas […]
Single Christians Revamp Your Social Life | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Single Christians Revamp Your Social Life It’s a new day for single believers. Can you feel it? I was praying this past week and it dawned on me that I am not in the same place. Well, Russelyn, just what do you mean you may ask. Having been single for many years I’ve experienced some […]
Why Are Women Still Listening to Derrick Jackson?|@intercession4ag @trackstarz

Dania Jackson came out last week sharing her side of what transpired between her and her husband Derrick Jackson. She shared details from the beginning all the way until now. The lingering question after listening to the details of Dania Jackson is why are women still following and listening to Derrick Jackson after finding out […]
Positioning Yourself Vs. Pursuing: What’s the Difference?|@intercession4ag @trackstarz

Lessons learned in extended singleness help us to become more settled in resting in ourselves, our worth, and our overall value as women. One of the nicest lessons to learn is that when a mature man sees your value; he will do whatever is necessary to win you over. This is a lesson often shared […]
Change the Narrative On How You View Singleness Over 40| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

What do you do when you get tired of fighting the same lies over and over again during your singleness journey? You change the narrative. Shift your thinking from what you are experiencing to the things God has been showing you in prayer. You discipline yourself to meditate on the Word of God instead of […]
Things the Church Got Wrong About Biblical Womanhood| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Things the Church Got Wrong About Biblical Womanhood It’s so beautiful to be a woman. When God made us in the beginning, he said that we were good. However, the idea of a woman being good is challenged when we do not see ourselves properly due to unhealthy views of womanhood that have come from […]
Single & Over 40 & Unbothered| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Single & Over 40 & Unbothered! I’m single, over 40, and unbothered. Why is that? Because I know who I am, I’ve found purpose in my experience, processed my pain, and remain hopeful and open to love. We live within several cultures that attempt to label women and shame women for where they are in life. […]
Is Lack of Wisdom or Bad Advice Keeping You Single?| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

I’m somewhat privy to many conversations that take place in the world of singles as a single woman. I’ve also had my own experiences in living this life. A constant that I’ve come into contact with is a fear of dating due to a lack of knowledge. This keeps us stuck. Also, I’ve run into […]