The Need for Intentionality in our Relationships with God and Our Spouse | @intercession4aG @trackstarz

We cannot live on the intentionality of yesterday in our relationship with our spouse or with God. Just like we planted specific seeds to get to where we are today; we are going to have to plant specific seeds to not only move to where we are to go for tomorrow, but to maintain our […]
Avoid Becoming the Nagging Woman in Your Relationship| @Intercession4aG @trackstarz

Isn’t it ironic how as human beings dependent on the Lord, we have to always wait on something. I’ve talked about waiting on other occasions in my writings, and how waiting makes us stronger because it exposes what’s in us, and causes us to become more attentive of our need for humility and dependence on […]
Good Men Vs. God Dependent Men: Killing the Lie of Condemnation that Binds Men in Sexual Sin | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

So, last week I was asked a question on a radio show interview of whether I masturbate or not. The host looked at me very intently slightly surprised by my answer. My answer was simply not anymore. I went on to share that it had been several years since I had been delivered from that. […]
Cheers to the Guys Who Make Us Smile| @intercession4aG @Trackstarz

In a time where the disappointment for many women is so real, we often wonder are there any good Godly brothers? Just when we want to close up our hearts, and give up on all hope; then a brother comes along and makes us smile, reminding us of why we had the dream for real […]
What is an Intercessor? | (@trackstarz @Intercession4aG)

An intercessor is a watchman who stands in between God and man praying on behalf of what he sees, and what God lays on his heart. Jesus Christ was the number one intercessor. He stood between God and man making intercession on man’s behalf. The foundation of intercession is found in the book of Ezekiel […]
Ladies: Four Ways to Know if A Man Loves You | @Intercession4aG @trackstarz

He Invests in himself The Bible makes it clear. We cannot love others unless we first love ourselves. This is a principal that is true despite religious affiliation. It will work for whoever works it. A good sign that a guy is a good catch is that he loves himself, and that is clearly seen […]
Heart Check | @trackstarz @Intercession4aG

I love to do something called a heart check periodically. A heart check is a check of how tuned in my heart’s affections are toward the things of God. Most importantly, how in tuned my heart’s affections are toward the greatest commandment: He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with […]
Remember Your Priority As The Lord Elevates You| @Intercession4aG @trackstarz

Beware of unnecessary distractions as the Lord promotes. I have to remind myself, as I have just recently released a book not to take my focus off of God’s assignment for me. Over-busy schedules, and unfounded judgments from others are two of the major things that Satan uses to distract us from what we are […]
What Now That I Have No Reason To Say No Part II: @Intercession4aG @trackstarz #trackstarzuniverse

The job that I work with does contract work at times for an outside agency, which requires me to work downtown at times with others from different agencies. One morning, I had gotten to work and one of my sisters in Christ from one of the other agencies was just on the clouds. I wondered […]
What Now That I Have No Reason To Say No | @Intercession4aG @trackstarz

Up until now, I haven’t had a reason to entertain a guy for a reasonable length of time. Either the brothers were immature, in their flesh, or I just did not see them as a possible romantic interest or neither did they see me as the same. However, recently I’ve found myself in a position […]