Bouncing Back From Brokenness – Part II| Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Continuing from last week’s two keys to bounce back from brokenness. Below are three more important keys that we will need to have. Have a Close Unit of Godly Friends: Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down,one can help the other up. […]
Bouncing Back From Brokenness Part I| Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Recently, I did an interview regarding accepting God’s no, which feels like brokenness and confusion while we are experiencing it. Sometimes it is hard to get back to life as we’ve known it before the brokenness because we’ve learned to function from a different position. A position of lowliness, and often the wrong perspective because […]
3 Lessons to Take From Fences Pt. 3- Celebrating and Honoring| Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

After making up our minds to forgive our fathers of their shortcomings and deciding to honor them, it becomes easier to honor them when we look for the good in them. There was definitely good in Troy as there is good in most all men. Troy tried to teach both his sons, Cory and Lyons […]
3 Lessons to Take Away From Fences Pt.2: Our Father’s Imperfections| Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
So, Troy made some poor choices. He had an affair, and a child outside of his marriage. He held his son back from possibly a great opportunity. He was a bit stubborn not realizing that the world around him was changing, and he needed not be so closed minded. Who doesn’t know a Black father […]
3 Lessons to Take Away From ‘Fences’- We Have a Choice Pt 1| Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

I love the film ‘Fences’ because it just makes us appreciate our fathers even more despite imperfections they may have. Father’s are held to a higher standard of accountability, and face more crucial scrutiny than others because of the responsibility that comes with the role. The role of a Father’s impact is undeniable in the […]
An Invitation to Wholeness Through Submission to Christ| BLog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
Is God requiring you to submit a particular area of your life over to Him? Last week, I was reminded of the familiar story of when Jacob wrestled with God. I had always been curious about this story and how it could apply to my life. Well, last week is when the Lord would give […]
A Time to Fight And A Time to Stand| Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
There is a time to Fight and there is a time to Stand Resting in God’s Promises Don’t forget, after having done all to stand, just stand (Ephesians 6:13-14). Many of us have been in a battle for some time that has intensified to the point of almost being unbearable within the last two years. […]
Growing Our Intimacy With God Through Fasting & Prayer – Pt. IV| Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God. Psalms 10:4 Not Seeking the Lord is a Sign of Pride and that We have Forgotten Him We all can be prone to forgetting the Lord because of the human nature to forget God while […]
Growing Our Intimacy With God Through Fasting and Prayer – Part III | Blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz
Seeking the Lord with boldness requires faith and a knowing of how God feels about us: We have been discussing Queen Esther and her relationship with King Ahaseraus when Esther approached him concerning her people. She took a risk in pursuing or approaching the king, but found favor because she was in covenant with the […]
Growing Our Intimacy With God Through Fasting & Prayer – Part II | blog| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Last week, we began looking at kings in general for similiarities to God’s character and how to approach God. We have been studying in particular the story of Esther and King Ahasarus. We left off the discussion how kings are expected to rule in righteousness. Below are a few scriptures to support this truth. Next, […]