3 Ways You Will Know if You’ve Met The One – Part I | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Proverbs 10:22 – The Blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow with it. This means there will be a particular grace that provides an ease of abiding within the blessing that comes from the Lord. That doesn’t mean it will be easy all of the time, and there will be no opposition. […]
Why Women of God Compromise With Ungodly Men? | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Last week, I published an interview with an author, writer, and speaker Derek Q. Sanders. During the course of our interview, we stumbled into another discussion of why do women of God go for the ungodly men. I presented some of the ideas that I am familiar with and have been tempted too to go […]
Manhood Series Part IV: What Does it Mean to Be the Head? | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

What Does it Mean for a Man to be the Head? This article is a quick snapshot of an interview with Author, Speaker, Blogger, and Certified Relationship Coach Derek Q. Sanders. The interview in its entirety is in a link below. Also, more information can be found on his books, “Outdated Rethinking how Men Date […]
Manhood Series Part III: Common Misconceptions of Manhood And Being The Head | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Biblically speaking, it is obvious that the man is to be the head of his household once married, but what does that actually mean? I interviewed a man and his interview will be coming up next week to share just what being the head means Biblically. In the meantime, I will respond to some of […]
Manhood Series Part II: Ignoring Your Weakness While Only Focusing on Your Strength | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Many men overcompensate their time and investment in their strengths while simply ignoring their weaknesses. This is done because many men feel vulnerable when it comes to dealing with their weaknesses. It makes him feel less of a man. For example, if a man never learned how to cover a woman emotionally, spiritually, and mentally, […]
Manhood Series Part I: Her Head not her God | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Just like a woman of God compromises by going with a man who does not know his identity in Christ and ends up having to put up with more than God intended because of it; Men do the same thing with women who lack identity in Christ. Many men find a physically attractive woman, and […]
Guard Your Intimate Relationship With God | @intercesstion4ag @trackstarz

Those who really know me know that my intimate relationship with God is the most important thing that I have. I emphasize intimate, meaning close. This is important because there are believers in Christ who are far from God, and believers in Christ who are close to God. I want to be one who is […]
Are You Ready for What God is About to Do? | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Have you ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf? He was a shepherd boy who cried out warning of the arrival of a wolf at least 3-4 times. His neighbors, each time came out to help him, and he laughed at them each time because there really was no wolf. However, the […]
As a Single Person, What Do You Do When Your Hormones Get Hot? | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

This is a real and needed post. Being single and walking in sexual purity is a form of sacrifice because it isn’t like our hormones don’t work. We just simply have no release when the fire sets ablaze. Some participate in ungodly things, while others simply endure through the suffering trusting God to one day […]
Is It Okay For Christians To Listen To Secular Music? | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

I’ve had a few people ask me this question this past summer. I even had one brother go as far as to say that he will be bumping Trip Lee on his honeymoon lol! That was too funny! Of course, I discouraged bumping Trip Lee on the honeymoon, but everyone has their preference. As for […]