Joshua Harris Renounces His Faith & Apologizes for Teachings in Books:| @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag
First, Joshua Harris renounced his books and now he’s renounced his faith in Jesus Christ. This is disheartening to the Christian community. You can see his Instagram post below where he makes statements specifically denouncing his faith and former self-righteousness: Click here to read full article
Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part VI (Negative Speaking) | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Broken people often speak negatively because they have just about given up hope. They tend to forget what the Word says about how a man will be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth (Proverbs 12:14). This is what the children of Israel did. They spoke negatively saying their wives and children would be taken, […]
Street Preacher Rebukes Kirk Franklin Commentary| @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag
Recently, I’d seen on social media how a street preacher protested against Kirk Franklin outside of his concert. He boldly rebuked Kirk saying that he did not represent God properly at the BET Awards. He accused Kirk of listening to preacher’s who were drunk with wine and refused to shake Kirk Franklin’s hand. Click here […]
Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part V (Contempt for God ) | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Contempt: the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn. disregard for something that should be taken into account. the offense of being disobedient to or disrespectful of a court of law and its officers. How could we ever look at God with contempt? There would have to be […]
Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part IV (Comparison)

Full of Comparison The insecurity birthed out of one who leans to the flesh and to one’s own understanding; instead of what Jesus Christ says about him in his word, causes a comparison, and a constant need to attempt to measure up to a false standard that was never meant for them in the first […]
Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part III (Control & Rudeness ) | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Broken People Exhibit Characteristics of Control People often mask their insecurities and weaknesses with trying to control things, people, situations as to appear to have it together. Control is one of the worst manifestations of the broken. Those who walk in control; have to learn to relinquish the things they are trying to control over […]
Are You Resting in the Secret Place?| @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag
The more life hits, the greater the value we place on resting in that secret place with the Lord. It’s easy for us just to move with the business of life when things are level. We celebrate, adorn ourselves, and focus on living that good life. That’s all fine and well, but sometimes life calls […]
Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part II (Discomfort of Faith-Walking ) | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Those with Broken Perspectives are Unwilling to be Uncomfortable in Trusting God They refuse to live life in a place of trust that often requires the discomfort of not knowing. Because they choose not to trust God; they remain stuck in their current position until it is so uncomfortable that there is absolutely no other […]
Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part I (Disbelief) | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

First, I want to introduce this six-part blog series by sharing that there are times when everyone will be broken and being broken does not always mean that a person is doing something wrong. Look at some of our greatest examples who were broken Job, and Jesus. Job became broken because God bragged on him […]
Be Bold During the Wait | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Did you know that wholeness is a prerequisite for dating God’s way and marrying God’s way? When we embrace who we are–fully, embracing ourselves and our standard by God, we can proceed forward in a bold manner that brings freedom to our footsteps. Bold: (of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take […]