A Daily Trust in the Lord: | @trackstarz @intercession4ag

We should not just be trusting God for one thing, but trusting in the Lord should be our daily lifestyle. I believe one of the things God has been dealing with me about is a daily trust in the Lord. Daily trust in the Lord is one of the benefits of resting in God. Resting […]

I Agree w/Erica Campbell on Masturbation: | @trackstarz @intercession4ag

Recently, Erica Campbell has been very vocal about her views on masturbation. She shared her view on the Breakfast Club asking the question where does God go during masturbation: “I know some churches say for the brothas. ‘It’ll keep you from slipping up. Go ahead and handle yourself. I’ve heard some women say, ‘I take […]

Remember Your Why: | @trackstarz @intercession4ag

Remember Your Why: | @trackstarz @intercession4ag

I believe God is in the process of promoting many of his people. I’m seeing peaks of some of what’s to come in my life, and it is awesome. In the excitement of promotion and new experiences, I personally believe its important to remember why I began. This is integral to maintaining character within the […]

A New Level of Access & Favor | @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag

I’ve been meditating on Esther and Mordecai during my quiet time, and I really believe that God has been using that story to communicate to me that there is a new level of favor, access, and open doors coming to his people that are willing to take the risk of unconventional obedience. Unconventional obedience is […]