Hard Conversations: Let’s Talk Divorce Part II| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Last week we talked about Christon Gray’s situation and how we should view those who have become divorced not in a sense of condemnation especially child custody lawyer in the Tri Cities area states this in a sense of empowering them to overcome divorce considering ourselves. This week we will look at Datin’s situation which […]
Walking in the Spirit allows the Impossible to be Seen in Your Life |@Trackstarz @Intercession4ag
Sometimes, I think about all of the miracles that Jesus walked around and did while he was on earth as a man, and I wonder how we can see those things on today. I always come back to the below scripture: Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do […]
Hard Conversations: Let’s Talk Divorce Part I| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Recently, I viewed a couple of videos online that bought into public view one of the hard topics in the body of Christ and that is divorce. Christon Gray and Datin have been public this year on the personal divorces they’ve experienced. Next week, we can discuss more regarding Datin’s divorce. However, this week I’d […]
Money Series Part V: Establishing Credit and to Cosign or Not? | @intercession4ag, @trackstarz
People often co-sign for children or even friends when they have bad credit or no credit at all. However, co-signing is a bad idea that the Bible warns against. Let’s go back to the book of Proverbs: There’s danger in putting up security for a stranger’s debt; it’s safer not to guarantee another person’s debt […]
Money Series Part IV: Borrowing Basics| @intercession4ag, @trackstarz

You know the Word of God is just bomb! It has something to say on every single subject under the sun. Shout out to my daddy up in heaven, who used to always say, “Read the book of Proverbs. It has so much wisdom on everyday life.” My parents used to read the book of […]
Defense Mechanisms in the Personality That Push Others Away:| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Sometimes when we have un-dealt with insecurities or anxieties, we attempt to protect ourselves with defense mechanisms. I’ve seen this in some people who are close to me, and even in myself. Some people joke around more than normal when they are anxious as a defense mechanism. Sometimes, the joking may even seem annoying because […]
Money Series Part III: Sowing & Reaping| @intercession4ag, @trackstarz
When I was a teenager, I always had everything I needed, and what I did not have, God made a way for me to have. I would sow from the little that I got. If I had $5, I sometimes gave the whole $5 away. To others, it was sowing small, but to God, it […]
Money Series Part II: Leaving Beneath Our Means |@intercession4ag @trackstarz
Living beneath my means is something I learned from my parents. They had 5 kids plus my elder sister who was still-born. Because my parents had to raise 5 kids they could not spend up all of their money on whatever they wanted because they had responsibility. Therefore, they’d save money by spending less. Living […]
Forming Habits for Healthy Emotional Management – Part II| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Repressed Emotions Continuing on key points learned from Joyce’s book on managing our emotions; she discusses repressed emotions: “People who repress pain and never learn to deal with it properly eventually explode or implode, and neither one is a good choice.” I personally believe that some of the mental illness and depression that we […]
Money Series Part I: The Purpose of Money |@intercession4ag @trackstarz
In a world where being a boss and making mad dollars is highly praised; we have to be careful to have the right perspective on money or else we may end up doing without it or getting it in a way that brings trouble on us. So many people make money their god. They work […]