Hard Conversations: Let’s Talk Divorce Part II| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Hard Conversations: Let’s Talk Divorce Part II| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Last week we talked about Christon Gray’s situation and how we should view those who have become divorced not in a sense of condemnation especially child custody lawyer in the Tri Cities area states this in a sense of empowering them to overcome divorce considering ourselves. This week we will look at Datin’s situation which […]

Hard Conversations: Let’s Talk Divorce Part I| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Hard Conversations: Let’s Talk Divorce Part I| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Recently, I viewed a couple of videos online that bought into public view one of the hard topics in the body of Christ and that is divorce. Christon Gray and Datin have been public this year on the personal divorces they’ve experienced. Next week, we can discuss more regarding Datin’s divorce. However, this week I’d […]

Money Series Part II: Leaving Beneath Our Means |@intercession4ag @trackstarz

​Living beneath my means is something I learned from my parents. They had 5 kids plus my elder sister who was still-born. Because my parents had to raise 5 kids they could not spend up all of their money on whatever they wanted because they had responsibility. Therefore, they’d save money by spending less. Living […]