A Whole Other Level of Confidence & Faith in God| @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag

I’ve been meditating all week on embracing my weakness for acquaintance with God’s power and a whole other level of faith. According to the below scripture, God wants our faith not to simply rest on wisdom from men, but on his power: My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but […]

Death as a Catalyst for Change| @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag

Did you know that death can be used as a catalyst? What is a catalyst? A catalyst is something that provokes action or change. One of the best examples of this is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated April 4th, 1968. Just 7 days after his death, congress pushed out the 1968 Fair […]

How Do You Deal With Your Insecurities?| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

How Do You Deal With Your Insecurities?| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Acts 17:5-8 Tells the story of some Jews who had become jealous of the acceptance and fame of Paul & Silas. Their message of Christ had been growing in acceptance and many prominent Jew and Greek men and women began to accept and believe in the message. Thus, the Jews stored up a commotion dragging […]

6 Things to Assist in Healing From Grief |@Trackstarz @Intercession4ag

The loss of a loved one can become a paralyzing thing. It’s easy to wake up with consistent pain, and have to go throughout the day in consistent pain. It can feel like all of the energy and excitement for life has been completely sucked out of us. The simplest tasks seem impossible. This is […]

When God Takes Things Away… |@Trackstarz @Intercession4ag

When God starts to take things away; he is teaching us to trust him more. Pay attention, and submit to him, and then expect the miraculous. This is what stood out to me in my recent Bible reading time. I’ve been reading about Gideon, who I am excited to read about. I honestly don’t recall […]