How to Enjoy Your Life by Traveling on a Budget |@intercession4ag @trackstarz
Begin Saving Early You can do whatever you want as it relates to traveling and goals as long as you plan for it. If you want to go on a trip, you’ll need to begin planning early to make sure you can afford all of the costs of the trip. Setting up automatic savings that […]
How are You Doing Regarding the Corona-Virus?| @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag
This past week has been like a movie out of the blue a world-wide emergency hit our home soil. Initially, when I’d heard of Corona, I thought it would be like the Swine flu. We’d hear about it for a little while and then it would fade away. However, this pandemic appears to be hitting […]
2018 Has Been a Year of Victory | @Intercession4ag @Trackstarz
Learned how to Receive I have been thankful all year round. This year has been a reminder of my personal worth. Sometimes, in life, we can get so busy running from one thing to the next serving others, taking care of business, and such that we lose sight of what’s really important. We are really […]
The Importance of Wholeness Before Entering a Relationship – Part II | @Intercession4ag @Trackstarz

Lack of wholeness produces instability Remember wholeness deals with our souls, meaning our—mind, will, and emotions. There is a scripture that shares that a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways (James 1:8.) The opposite of wholeness is to be broken, divided, fractured, or unstable. A double-minded person wavers in their mind. One […]
Are you Ready to Date Series Pt. 5: Not Everyone Will Get Married| @Trackstarz @Intercession4ag

This is part four of a Six-part series about our current view of singleness at this stage in life. This is inspired by my latest book, Patterns of the Heart: Discernment in Choosing a Potential Spouse. Consider taking the quiz at the link in the bottom and continue to follow this series to find out […]
The Importance of Wholeness Before Entering a Relationship – Part I | @Intercession4ag @Trackstarz
Wholeness is a very important thing to have in our lives prior to entering into a relationship, but before we share key points on why it’s so important, we have to first define what wholeness is. Wholeness has a lot to do with how we see things. When we see things properly, we can prevent […]
Two Ways for Those Struggling w/Sexual Sin to Become Free: | @intercession4ag @trackstarz
Are you a single person or even a married person struggling with sexual sins such as pornography, masturbation, air humping, or fantasy lust? You aren’t the first one and you will not be the last one who’s struggled with those things. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We’re all […]
More Ways Singles Can Stay Connected During the Pandemic | @intercession4ag @trackstarz
The Pandemic has opened the door to more online connections all across the world. Many singles have faced isolation in not being able to go out as much, but that doesn’t mean that they cannot meet new people and make new connections. I’ll share ideas below that offer online solutions for our new normal. T.D. […]
Remember to Practice Self-Care| @trackstarz @intercession4ag
Self-care is super important in general because it allows us to be healthy individuals when we take care of ourselves. This is why the Bible shares as the greatest commandment for us to love God with all of our hearts, and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. It’s even harder to take care […]
Mr. G. Reality Dropped A New Video Today: “Let’s Talk About Life” @trackstarz

New Video: Mr. G. Reality, “Let’s Talk About Life” Chicago’s Own Mr. G. Reality dropped a new video today: Let’s Talk About Life. The Song discusses various scenarios that we go through in life from doubt, loss of loved ones and more. When he was asked about the riddled line in the song that says, […]