Jered Sanders Drops New Mixtape – Verseatility| New Music| @jeredsanders @trackstarz

The God Over Money camp’s newest artist, Jered Sanders, has not come up short in giving us plenty of heat. Since joining GOM he has dropped 2 singles (“Don’t Move That Mountain” featuring Datin, “The Hope Freestyle” & “Sinner Man” featuring Bizzle). This in just 4 short months after dropping his latest project “Nobody Famous“. […]
Beleaf – “Theo’s Gift”| Throwback Theology| @beleafmel @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

In honor of Beleaf releasing his last album this week I decided to take a short trip back to 2013 to the release of Beleaf’s first mixtape entitled “Theo’s Gift“. This album instantly gives us nostalgia because it is themed after the classic sitcom “The Cosby Show“. While there’s a lot of controversy surrounding […]
Angie Rose Drops A New Visual – “Fiya (Caramel Macchiato)” featuring Lish| Music Videos| @angierosemusik @lishspeaks @trackstarz

“You can’t rush greatness when you’re driven by eternity.” – Angie Rose Rapper Angie Rose releases a new music video for her single “Fiya (Caramel Macchiato)” featuring Lish. This is the latest single from Angie’s new mixtape entitled “Sipp’n Coffee In The Bakery“. It is available now on iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play and Spotify. […]
Jered Sanders Reveals New Cover Art| News| @jeredsanders @trackstarz

Jered Sanders reveals the cover art for his upcoming mixtape “Verseatility“. The new music drops this Friday May 12, 2017. Keep your eyes peeled for this new heat from the Virginia rapper.
#WonderYearsChallenge Winner – A.I.| News| @goaimusik @seandavidgrant @trackstarz

In case you missed it, we have a winner for the #wonderyearschallenge! It is Aitina Fareed Cooke aka A.I. (@goaimusik). In case you forgot the winner receives a copy of the “Wonder Years” album and a Wonder Years shirt of choice from the TRACKSTARZ website. Also, she is not only a listener of […]
Beleaf Drops His Final Album – “In Fatherhood”| New Music| @beleafmel @kingsdreament @trackstarz

After a long wait, it’s finally here. Beleaf of Kings Dream Entertainment drops his final project entitled “In Fatherhood” on May 8th. This album is journey into his life as a husband, father and emcee. It is available for pre-order now on iTunes and if you ordered it on the Kings Dream website, you got […]
Mouthpi3ce – “By The Faith”| Throwback Theology| @mouthpi3ce @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

“It doesn’t have to make sense. It’s faith, it’s faith. It’s the flower of light in the field of darkness. It’s giving me the strength to carry on. You understand?” – Eli (Denzel Washington), The Book of Eli (Film) As Christians, we are instructed by God to walk by faith and not sight. As […]
Deepspace 5 – “Body Double”| Throwback Theology| @deepspace5 @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

I was sitting back one day contemplating some things. One thing I realized is that it really is the simple things in life that bring us the most pleasure. As much as we may want riches, fame and material things it’s really some of the basic things that money doesn’t buy that really bring […]
Angie Rose Drops A New Mixtape & Visual| New Music| @angierosemusik @trackstarz

Rapper Angie Rose, after recently dropping a new single, hits us with some more new music. She releases her new mixtape entitled “Sipp’n Coffee In The Bakery”. She also drops a new video for her single “Limited Vision”. The mixtape is available now on Noise Trade and her new video is out on YouTube. […]
Battle Rapper Loso Joins The Nectar Family| News| @loso_che @trackstarz

Battle rapper Loso known for his many victories in various battle rap leagues joins the TRACKSTARZ family by signing with Nectar Distribution. Look for upcoming projects from Loso in the near future. Stay tuned! If you’re a Christian hip hop artist and you need assistance getting high quality music to the mainstream hit us […]