The Importance of Facing Your Fears After a Trauma Experience | @trackstarz @intercession4ag

Trauma is a response to a traumatic event

Trauma is a response to a traumatic experience that has occurred in our lives. We see in the Bible that a traumatic experience occurred within Jacob’s family. He’d lost his son Joseph. Under the impression that his son was dead; he lived with the trauma of that loss.

Trauma shows up in many ways such as shock, sadness, anxiety or overwhelm in response to the traumatic event. It also can show up as fear and avoidance. We know that fear is paralyzing keeping us in the same place. However, it’s God’s will for us to experience a fully abundant life. This means that we have to work through the fear and challenges that come with trauma.

Don’t seek to Avoid Facing the Fear from Your Trauma

One of the many key factors in overcoming trauma is not to avoid facing the fears and emotions that come with the trauma, but to learn to healthily work through it. Jacob was so aware of his trauma as a result of losing his son that he could articulate it well to his community.

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