Show #497 – Could You Handle the Life of a Celebrity? | M&M Live Radio
On this show of M&M Live Radio, our hosts Meesa & Meah share whether or not they’d be able to handle the life of a celebrity. This week during #TooManyHashtags, this week’s trending topics, we talk about Patti LaBelle’s tribute to Tina Turner, Hip Hop music’s lack of presence on the charts this year & […]
Atheists Shouldn’t Get Married

We dive deep into the complexities of marriage, atheism, and morality. In this episode, we engage in a candid discussion sparked by Candace Owens’ comments on atheists and marriage. Why do atheists choose to marry? Is marriage an institution reserved only for the religious? These are just some of the questions we explore. Our conversation […]
Indie Artist Spotlight | Electson

A note from Electson: My name is Electson. I am a born-again Christian. I have been blessed with a talent for making music that glorifies Jesus. Therefore, I aim to make music for my brothers and sisters in Christ that strengthens their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. In addition, my music is also made […]