Zauntee Shows Why He’s “BackFromTheDEAD” In New Single | @zauntee @trackstarz

Zauntee, formerly known as Mr. God Taught Me, is back with his newest single “BackFromTheDEAD.” Musically, Zauntee has been quiet for a minute. His last musical release were the “3:34 Warehouse Sessions,” which were live acoustic versions of the Dove nominated project ‘3:34.’ As Zauntee moves into a new season of his career, […]
Shepherd Teams Up With Broward County Legend On “Zone” Single | @shepherd_music @acehood @trackstarz

Florida’s own Shepherd continues to take his music outside the box. On his latest release, “Zone,” Shepherd gives us the high energy anthems we’re used to but with a twist. For this new single, Shepherd tags in the legendary Ace Hood! Both Ace and Shepherd trade bars representing their “Zone,” which happens to be Broward […]
Propaganda Releases Inspiring “Terraform” EP Number 2, “Terraform: The Sky” | @prophiphop @producedbyls @trackstarz

Propaganda continues his theme of terraforming with his latest project, ‘Terraform: The Sky.’ Propaganda is building a better world with his words and this latest EP takes the concept even further. The first EP talked about our need for each other as people, but ‘Terraform: The Sky’ goes in a different direction. […]