GB Switches Style Up With Acoustic Vibe On “That’s Life” | @gbmus1c @trackstarz

As good as life can get, it’s never perfect. There will always be letdowns, shortcomings, and sobering reminders of the brevity of the human experience — but, “That’s life.”
Eturnul Teams Up With Angelque Jonelle With A New Hit “The Messenger” | @imeturnul @trackstarz

“The Messenger” is the latest project from Eturnul, released in celebration of Mr. Big Stuff’s 50th Anniversary with Caraljo Music. The vibrant inspirational lyricist featured Angelque Jonelle, and Dj Mac Cummings the Turn Table Minister on the single, with the trio combining and music produced by Steve OG and Steve Vicious as they celebrate one […]
5 Non-Negotiables Every Christian Single Should Have |@intercession4ag @trackstarz

When considering non-negotiables, this one seems like a given, but it can be such a temptation to keep in practice when we really like someone. If you’re crushing on someone who simply isn’t responding to you 9 times out of 10 they just aren’t into you. That’s completely okay. Everyone will not be interested. Everyone […]