Single Christian’s Sexual Fears
Some Christian’s sexual fears are no doubt challenging. These fears and anxieties have to be carefully navigated if one wants to be successful during the stage of singleness on to a healthy marriage. Below are some of the more recent fears I’ve been hearing about from guys and girls on Clubhouse about being single.
Some men feel marrying a girl who is too spiritual will cause him to be short-changed in the bed-room
This adds to some of the fear and anxiety when it comes to approaching a woman of God because ultimately some men fear being stuck in a sexless marriage. I don’t like the term too spiritual. I’d prefer to label someone as either balanced or imbalanced. Being imbalanced is where a person chooses to develop their spiritual disciples and character, but completely ignore any other areas in need of development. The Bible shares with us that natural exercise is useful, but spiritual exercise is more useful.

Thus, we have to be careful how we portray a view of being too spiritual. It’s not being spiritual that is a problem but neglecting the exercise of development in other areas. We all should be balanced. We have to be able to operate in this world well. That is the purpose that God left us in the world so we have to be intentional about developing in a wide array of areas.
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