Getting To Know L3XDIVINE Interview Pt.3 | @l3xdivine @kennyfresh1025 @trackstarz
Welcome to Part three of our interview with the artist known as L3XDIVINE. Last time we talked about some of her earlier records and being accepted within the Christian hip Hop space. Today, we talk about the “Jackson Pollock” Remix challenge, how she got her name, and some other stuff. TZ: So let’s talk […]
Gawvi, FMG, Line 4 Line Showdown 44: 4/17/21

5 Reasons Why Kevin Samuels Teachings are Dangerous for Women | @intercession4ag @trackstarz
While we live in this world we are not to live as those of the world’s system. As believers, we operate according to a different system and that system is the kingdom of God. This means as believers we have to be discerning about the wisdom and knowledge that we take in as it will […]