Payton Goldston Starts Off 2021 By Telling God ‘I’m All Yours’ | @paytonrefocus @trackstarz

As the year comes to an end. I’ve been reflecting on how good God is, even when things around us don’t make it feel like He cares. Despite the events this year has brought…we are still alive to see another day. This new song is an expression of my love to Him. From Newark to […]
Brutha Joe Hits The New Year With A New Video For His New Single ‘Unbelief’ | @bruthajoe_dts @trackstarz

Brutha Joe is an American Artist, Songwriter and producer. His passion for music began as far back as he can remember. He states music has always been a part of his life even when he wasn’t creating it. With inspirations coming from old blues and R&B records his mother’s side of the family enjoyed every weekend […]
JDaven Talks About Being A “Microphone” For The Message Of God | @trackstarz

“Simply stated, a microphone carries the sound, the message of the one speaking. I want to be a microphone for God speaking His message of love and hope. It is to remind people we are never alone.” -JDaven Check JDaven out here: Youtube: Facebook: Instagram: Spotify:
God Over Money Reveals First Project of 2021| @gomrecords @rhyanlamarr @aitheanomaly @trackstarz

God Over Money wasted no time in getting folks excited for their first release of 2021, but instead of a regular announcement they decided to do something different. With a video that can only be described as cinematic, the God Over Money crew announced their first release of 2021 will be none other than A.I. […]