Hogmob Ministries has unleashed a new campaign called the Mob Millennium which is a re-energizing concept for CHH to go even harder for Christ in a world that’s getting further from his love. Zaydok the Godhop MC, Fonz Carter and Dymond have formed a group called 188 and have just released a single and video titled ‘H.O.G.M.O.B” as a part of this Millennium campaign. For more content from these artists follow and subscribe to their social media platforms.
To Follow/Subscribe:
Hogmob Ministries: https://www. youtube.com/user/HOGMOBSEVIN
Twitter/ Instagram @ thegodhopmc
Fonz Carter: https://www.facebook. com/fonzcarter716
Twitter @fonzcarterig
Dymond: Instagram @dymond_hogmob