Problems with Porn, Good News Only, Jingle Jangle, Nas vs Prafit Josiah: 11/21/20

Jered Sander’s “Cappin'” Music Video | @jeredsanders @trackstarz

Jered Sanders gives the people their first taste of his upcoming project ‘Black Friday 3: Mamba Mentality,’ with his newest music video “Cappin.’” Check out the music below and let us know what you think of the video. Are you excited for his upcoming project?
The False Expectation of Marriage for Being a Good Girl: Thoughts on Erica Campbell’s Recent Comments | @intercession4ag @trackstarz
I understand where Erica Campbell is coming from as she encourages singles to shift their thinking from loose sexual character to that of purity in preparation for marriage. There has to be a mature mindset to take on marriage especially if we will do so successfully, but it could easily be derived from her statement […]
3 Slipups That Independent Artists Do | @mike_sarge @trackstarz

Independent artists and entrepreneurs bring a lot of raw talent to the table, but they can also bring an entitled and naive mentality that can lead to slip-ups in the music industry. This can not only make their lives difficult, but can totally derail a career for many independent artists. While there’s nothing wrong with […]