Bad Debate, Caesura, Big Sean vs KB 2: 10/3/2020

Wande Launches WIN Beauty | @omgitswande @winbeauty._ @trackstarz

Wande is a woman of many hats. As if being a recording artist, consulting, producing wasn’t enough, she’s added one more feather in her cap. Wande has expanded the Wande Isola Network(WIN) empire with WIN Beauty. Wande is known for her fashion sense(she is Ms. “She Got Aesthetic” right?), and has launched a shop with […]
Dee-1 “Racist Christians” Music Video | @dee1music @trackstarz

The New Orleans based emcee, Dee-1, recently released a music video for his controversial song “Racist Christians.” With the civil unrest in the current climate, racism and Christianity is once again a hot button topic. Whenever artists touch on America’s sacred cows, pushback is to be expected. This is no different from Propaganda’s “Precious Puritans” […]
Derek Minor Launches “Minorville” Patreon | @thederekminor @rmgmusic @trackstarz

Reflection Music Group co-founder, Derek Minor, has recently announced that he has launched a Patreon! He’s calling this community he’s building “Minorville,” a tip of the hat to the critically acclaimed album of the same name. If anyone knows anything about Minor, it’s that he has a ton of unreleased music, but he’s never had […]