Breathe Again | Throwback Theology | Blog | @theogtunnelrats @machosmuisc @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

“I’ll breathe my life into you and you’ll live.”Ezekiel 37:14 MSG We are in a time where it is easy to feel like the very life has been sucked out of us. Like we’re on a football field and we just took a hit that knocked the very wind out of us. When you’re gasping […]
New Podcast:! Beyond the DMs, Ep. 03: Higher Learning Where do we pick up our influence? Beyond the DMs host Eric N. Boston (@EricBoston3) is joined by Virginia Christian Hip Hop artist and Culture Villains member Kham (@khamraps) to discuss what has influenced his newest music. They talk about current racial tension, the role of the Church, as well as Liberty University. […]