For this interview we talked to Krum, an artist of the group Deepspace5 and accomplished solo artist in his own right. For those who are unfamiliar, hopefully this interview wakes you up to the dope music and artistry you’ve been missing out on.
TZ: Krum, for those who don’t have any idea, who are you?
TZ: Last year you released ‘Here’s Mud In Your Eye’ with Theory Hazit. How did you link up with Theory and why for this project?
TZ: What’s the theme or heart behind ‘Here’s Mud In Your Eye?’
TZ: What’s your favorite song from the project and what’s Theory’s favorite song from the project?
TZ: It feels like your writing and rapping leveled up since ‘Blue Eyed Devil.’ Do you agree, and if so, what caused the shift?
Stay tuned for the next part of the interview, where Krum talks more about his supporters known as Road Dogs and other cool things.