10 Things Artist’s Should Do During Quarantine | @luckymurray @trackstarz

TZ Guest Writer Article by Luck Murray April 2020 We are in quarantine from COVID-19 (coronavirus). Like most artists, you are probably out of work, and you are at home. During this quarantine, here are ten things you should do inorder to capitalize on your time at home. These are in no particular order, but […]
DJ Standout “Be There” Feat. Evan Ford | @djstandout @evananderis @rmgmusic @trackstarz
DJ Standout drops a cinematic music video for “Be There” that captures his real struggles between the pursuit of career and tension at home. The message is more spot-on than ever as we all deal with the stress of being able to provide while also being there for our loved ones. Be sure to check […]
Christon Gray Releases New Song “See You Soon” | @christongray @trackstarz
Christon Gray has recently released a new song to encourage people to take care of their communities. Connect with Christon Gray by supporting your community! Please help your neighbors and those with needs by calling them, grabbing some groceries, telling them a joke, or praying for them. Step out and be a blessing to someone […]
Humble Beast Announces New Artist | @antoinebmusic @humblebeast @wearehumblebeast @trackstarz

The creative powerhouse known as Humble Beast has been very quiet lately, but recently broke their silence. They announced that they’ve signed a brand new artist Antoine Bradford! This artist formerly known as ABIV, has not only teamed up with Humble Beast, but he’s also released a single “Trust In You.” Humble Beast told the […]
It’s All About Me | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz
What is going on everyone!! I hope everyone is staying safe and being cautious during this season! This week, I want to dig into a touchy subject that affects us all in some way or another. Today, we are dealing with SELFISHNESS. It is crazy that selfishness affects us in so many ways, and it […]
Dolcé Is Not Ashamed To Put Everything “On God” In Her New Single | @lovealwaysdolce @trackstarz

I wrote ‘On God’ to share with everyone that I’m going to tell God’s story, bring Him glory, and walk through doors that I never thought I could! It’s about not being ashamed to do so as well. People put things “on God” when they want to emphasize that they truly mean what they are […]
New Single – GFLS Offers Encouragement That God Will Make a Way (@trackstarz @GFLS413 @wearevrmusic)

GFLS (God’s Frontline Souljahs) is back with new music to bring encouragement in these stressful and uncertain times. Their brand new single “Make a Way” is an anthem of encouragement and praise, reminding us that our God is powerful and will make a way, no matter what we may face! Whether you are worried about […]
New Podcast:! FiveTwenty Collective Podcast: Season Two | Ep. 04 @FiveTwentyCHH @brm_rrp @BrodieDaVinci @TravisJames_co @EricBoston3 @Iam_NateDogg

https://episodes.castos.com/trackstarz/S2E04full-final.mp3 On Season Two | Ep. 04 of the FiveTwenty Collective Podcast: Featured song “Holy Water” by BRM & BrodieDaVinci ft. Jered Sanders Interview with Travis James of Culture Villains Sponsors: Srrvant, FiveTwenty Radio, Show Me Christ Records, The Bookkeeper247 Music by DJ Barrcode “Where music meets MINISTRY and the indie artist takes center stage” […]