Armani Drops A New Anthem “RENEGADES” For Those Unashamed In Christ | @almtyszn @trackstarz

Upcoming Artist & Designer (Armani) from Boston recently released his single (Renegades FT: Caleb McCoy) Who seek to inspire the Rebel in us all! RENEGADES touch on many topics & its a ANTHEM!! Be inspired to live bold & unashamed for Christ. We are the rebels of this world!! 🏽 (RENEGADES) is available on all […]
Da’ T.R.U.T.H Feat. Greg Cox ” Never Fail” Music Video | @truthonduty @datruthonduty @gregcoxtho @brianjunior_ @trackstarz

Fresh off of the release of his three song E.P. ‘CHASING GHOSTS,’ Da’ T.R.U.T.H. released a music video for the lead single from this project, “Never Fail.” This song, which chronicled some thoughts and questions T.R.U.T.H. struggled with, was brought to life beautifully in this crisp visual. Da’ T.R.U.T.H. had this to say about the […]
J. Conic Shares His Testimony And Talks About Overcoming Depression In “Nova” | @iamjconic @trackstarz

After releasing “Verified” in January, J.Conic follows up with a new single called “Nova”. He talks about his testimony and overcoming depression, low-self esteem and rejection by surrendering everything to God. Nova in Latin means “new beginnings”. There’s times that we may go through a storm but in the end God will give us a […]