Derek Minor Starts “12 Days of Beatsmas” Contest | @thederekminor @rmgtweets @trackstarz

After being greeted by, “Ho Ho Ho What up Tho” from Derek Minor he hits the people with a whammy. He’s giving away a one song record deal with RMG Amplify!!! The RMG frontman said that this year he’s seen a lot of rappers rap over some trash beats and he was sick of it. The contest started about 3 days ago, where Minor will release a new fire beat every day for 12 days available on his website. He’s challenging artists to rap on his beats and tag him when they do so. If he likes them, he’ll share them and if he really really likes it he’ll offer that artist a 1 song deal with RMG Amplify. He’ll mix and master the song himself and puth the Amplify marketing machine behind the song to push get the artist the exposure they need. Minor dubbed it “12 Days Of Beatsmas,” so all you artists go out there and spit your best verses and craft your best song!