Social Club Misfits Releases New Project | @socialclubmsfts @trackstarz
Social Club Misfits dropped two dope EPs this year with ‘MOOD’ and ‘DOOM.’ Now, they are responding to fan requests to drop them as a complete album. This will also include the song “Testify” with David Crowder, as well as a few different remixes of songs. What do you think of ‘MOOd//DOOM?’ What are your […]
New Podcast:! Stereotypes: Helpful or Harmful? | Top Endings in 2019 | @solomonsporchpodcast @solomonsporchp1 @trackstarz As 2019 comes to a close and there were a lot of major ending to shows and movies that many of us love. In this weeks round 5 Jason and Shawn will share their top 5 epic ending. They also discuss their issues with stereotypes and discuss whether or not they are harmful or […]
New Podcast:! The Rise Of Skywalker Movie Review | One Shot | @solomonsporchp1 @solomonsporchpodcast @trackstarz The end of the Skywalker saga has arrived. Jason, Shawn, and Isabel break down some of their favorites fixes from ‘The Last Jedi’ and share some of the things that did not work in the film. Let us know your thoughts when you see the film. Visit the website for more content. Visit […]