New Podcast:! The Mandalorian Review | One Shot | @solomonsporchpodcast @solomonsporchp1 @trackstarz This is our review of the new Star Wars show “The Mandalorian”. We discuss the first two chapters of the show and share our thoughts on this new journey in the world of Star Wars. Visit the website for more content. Thanks to our Patreon supporters Sam Blackwell & Read B. Verses. If […]
Why It’s Important to Celebrate Imperfect Fathers: | @trackstarz @intercession4ag
It seems that the culture places men on a pedal stool to a degree when it comes to fatherhood. Men are expected to be perfect or they are only considered effective if they’re more on the perfect side. Case and point, recently with the TI conversation about his daughter’s pap-smear appointments. Many were ready to […]