Tobe Nwigwe Releases Live Album | @tobenwigwe @trackstarz

Tobe Nwigwe AKA Tobe From The Swat continues to put his pedal to the medal. As if dropping music videos weekly, dropping a dope LP, going on tour, and having a baby wasn’t enough, Tobe and his crew released a dope live album titled ‘Tobe From The Swat: The Live Experience’ this past Sunday(8/4/2019). This […]
Th3 Saga “Legend(Sensei SZN)” Lyric Video | @th3saga @allthentic_productions @trackstarz
Th3 Saga’s hit single “Legend(Sensei SZN)” already has an official music video, but the Horseman decided to work the song even more with a dope lyric video. Peep the Allthentic Productions edited lyric video below and if you have been sleeping, go ahead and wake up and cop Saga’s best song to date! What do […]
Skyblew Releases Animated Short Film “You All Are Beautiful” | @skyblewmusic @trackstarz
It’s been a rough couple of days and Skyblew decided to do something about it in the way he knows how: by painting the sky blew! He released a short animated film “You All Are beautiful” and this is what he had to say about the project, “Myself, DJ Reimei & Visual Artist Joe Turpin, […]
Flame defeats Katy Perry – sound off

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