Pvth has been laying low collecting his recent experiences, while honing them into his most recent project. He then came out with ISSUES which is the leading single to the ep (Crowns & Convictions).
Crowns & Convictions Is available on all digital platforms.
Pvth came to light in 2012 drawing from his experiences in Faith and ministry. He’s shared stages with the likes of Krs-0ne, Chris Rivers and other talented mentions Christian and secular. His previous releases include How Strange EP and The Obedient Rebel LP featuring PVTHs single Running. The up and coming, (Crowns & Convictions) and lead single (ISSUES) is most definitely PVTHs most focused and freshest material yet!
Please get in touch with Patrick James at Pathmusical@gmail.com for guest list, interviews, or promo copies of Crowns & Convictions.
@Pvth4real (@PVTH) IG
PVTH (@path4reals) | Twitter