Kris Noel To Open For nobigdyl. On The Solar Powered Tour | @whoiskrisnoel @nobigbyl @trackstarz

Nectar artist Kris Noel has been on the come up for the past couple years. He has been performing in local open mics in the eastern NC area and consistently releasing new music. All that hard work is paying off and he has just been added as the opening act for nobigdyl. and also performing […]
Trackstarz Live

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New Podcast:! Risha Chesterfield | Marketing and Branding Consulting | @rishaleondra @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

Risha returns to the show to talk about her transition from RMG to going out on her own and starting her own business. She is now helping artists with branding and marketing and we dive into that in this episode. Here is the first interview with Risha Chesterfield:…eaux1-trackstarz/ Here is how you can personally connect with […]