New Podcast:! Business with Bordeaux Journey Pt. 5 | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz

New Podcast:! Business with Bordeaux Journey Pt. 5 | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz I have been blessed to have interviewed many great business owners, businessmen, and businesswomen. In this episode of the Business with Bordeaux Podcast I share some of the highlights of the previous interviews I have conducted. I am also excited to announce my next project that I am working on which will hopefully be […]

How Do You See Yourself??? | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

How Do You See Yourself??? | @ryanmw92 @trackstarz

What is going on everyone!! Man, so this week, I have been thinking on the lines of, “how do I see myself”. I believe that everyone deals with this question in a major way. Our identities can stem from so many outlets. I know personally, that my identity could come from the past; it could […]

Humble Beast Releases Book “Images And Idols” | @humblebeast @trackstarz

Humble Beast Releases Book “Images And Idols” | @humblebeast @trackstarz

Humble Beast recently released a book “Images & Idols” co-authored by Thomas J. Terry and J. Ryan Lister. Peep Humble Beast’s statement about the book:  “Christians ought to be leading the way in creativity, but we rarely do. God is the Creator of all things and he created us in His image. Creativity is woven […]