Datin | “Hell in the Hallway” | @datin_tripled @trackstarz

Datin of God Over Money is back! He’s got some things to get off of his chest with this one. His latest project entitled “Hell in the Hallway” goes in depth as he deals with the recent divorce of his wife. Rather than sweep this under the rug he tackles the issue head on and […]
Ric Sincere | “Beyond Belief” | @ricsincere @trackstarz

Ladies and gentlemen we have waited and the time has finally come. The debut album release of Ric Sincere – “Beyond Belief“. In anticipation of this album we’ve had the #FullThrottleDanceChallenge and the #SpaktakulahChallenge with our supporters in the Trackstarz universe dropping their hottest 16 over the “Spaktakulah” remix beat. More is to come from […]
Ruslan And Paul Russell To Release “Via Text” Album | @ruslankd @paulrussell @kingsdreament @trackstarz

King’s Dream Entertainment has been pushing out amazing quality life music, and they are getting ready to do so again in a few weeks. King’s Dream ENT just announced last week that Ruslan and the newest signee Paul Russell are releasing a joint album ‘Via Text.’ This album is due out October 10 2018, and […]
J. Monty Releases New Single ” 21 Gold St.” | @jmontystudios @trackstarz

A few weeks ago, J. Monty released his debut Sony music the song and today he’s slating everyone’s appetite with a follow up single titled “21 Gold St.” Mr. 100 Bars had this to say about the song, “The single is based off Rev 21:21 ‘And the street of the city was pure gold, like […]
1K Phew | New Joint | “Summer’s Over | @1kPhew

New Vibes: Da Church – SAY SO (@dachurchmusic, @marqusanthony, @miraql3mhp, @adtarah, @trackstarz)

SAY SO produced by MIRAQL3 is a vibe! Detroit CHH duo Da Church is back with a dynamic follow up to their debut Jesus on My Mind. Marqus Anthony emphasizes strong Christ-centered lyrics with a witty energy, while MIRAQL3 seamlessly drops an incredibly catchy hook and a melodically poetic, God-glorifying verse. Adtarah takes the song over the top as she perfectly rides the wavy beat […]
Shepherd Putting In “Extra” Work On Empire | @shepherd_music @trackstarz

Music artists hardly ever just do music exclusively. More often than not, the music is used as a launching pad into other various arenas such as acting. Christian hip hop artists are no exception and rising hip hop artist Shepherd is the latest to land an acting gig. Shepherd took to his Instagram page to […]
Tony Tillman Wants People To See The “Big Picture” | @thetonytillman @itsyaboyjc @rmgtweets @trackstarz

With everything going on it’s hard to see that things can be better, that there’s a plan behind the madness. Reflection Music Group artist Tony Tillman gets real with the struggle to see the “Big Picture” with his newest single. As the hook says, “Gotta look beyond the canvas… to see the big picture.” As […]
Joey Vantes “Push” Music Video | @joeyvantes @trackstarz

Fresh off the release of his EP ‘The Fall,’ Joey Vantes releases a music video for the song “Push.” Mr. Vantes had this to say about the video and song,” Depression, Anxiety, & Addiction are all battles you don’t have to fight alone. Talk to someone & look to God.” This song is amazing and the […]
Tony Tillman – Big Picture (Official Audio)
New single from Tony Tillman, Big Picture available everywhere: http://smarturl.it/TonyBigPicture Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/2kdqXDa When