Prafit Josiah | Is it Okay to Brag about God?? |@PrafitJosiah

Nashville, TN (April 5, 2018) – We live in a day and age where no one wants to offend anyone. Everyone has their own TRUTH. I often hear people make the statement, “Tell YOUR truth.”

While I do understand the sentiment, the fact is everybody can’t be right. There aren’t multiple truths, there is only one Truth. Now there may be many perspectives or viewpoints, but Truth, is in fact Truth.

This becomes difficult when you want to speak about religion as there are many faiths and many religions that point to a god or gods. Obviously, no one wants to disrespect anyone’s religion or belief, but all religions or beliefs cannot be true.

So should those of us who are considered religious or people of faith just shut up or only speak to like-minded individuals? I don’t think so, just like anything else in this world that you believe has value, you should not be afraid to share your thoughts. It shouldn’t matter what the topic is.

Whether you’re sharing your beliefs on faith, religion or God, as long as you are not disrespecting or belittling anyone, I believe you should feel free to have fruitful conversation and dialogue with all who will listen.

So, is it Okay to Brag about God? Let’s get specific, what about in Christian Hip-hop (CHH) music?