March 4th, 2018 3:32am. My whole life changed.
You were never nominated for a Dove, Stellar, or Grammy. Never did a world tour, or even statewide. Performed at most in front of 300 people. Never released a music video, just one EP with your spiritual twin brother that was wonderful in concept, but needed better execution. No, you will not be remembered for being a dynamic artist in the CHH community that is starting see signs of life and unity. However, you will be remembered in more impactful ways no awards, album releases, or ticket sales could ever measure.
Your whole life could be considered plagued by Sickle Cell disease; the days and nights full of pain, weeks to months stays at the hospital, bedridden or confinement to the house, treatments that would work, but if not you had to endure pain that our minds cannot fathom. Barely could do music because of the risk of insurmountable pain crippling your body requiring an ambulance to swoop you away to the ER. But you and I know that God had bigger plans, and He used that disease as a funnel to pour into others souls.
Now my beloved brother, you will be remembered for your strength. You pushed and forced forward everyday though trials and tribulations. You fought and combated every bad blood cell in your body to accomplish feats other people would have never reached because they would have surrendered. You allowed the Spirit of God to fill you so much, that no matter how you felt you would give your all to someone else: your selflessness is unmatched on this Earth. Your knowledge would enlighten us all, making us smarter without us even knowing. Your love for children deeply mirrored that of our Lord Jesus, giving so much of your time to their education, everyday life, and spiritual growth. Your desire to see a generation truly worship God overshadowed the disease that tried to defeat you countless number of times. No, Sickle Cell did not kill you. God called you home. No, bad blood didn’t take your life away. God lifted up your spirit. No, pain did not finally overwhelm your soul. God has given you the ultimate blessing, eternal peace in His presence. 

It’s true, no more conversations on FaceTime or the phone discussing anime, music, or our future. We cannot take another road trip to see our favorite artists perform. There’s no more “we’ll get signed to Clear Sight” and execute a plan to get Flame to hear our music. No more hours of devotion time in your room before we write music or play video games. You won’t physically see my kids, or your nieces, nephews, or mentees grow up. However, it’s also true that you are in no more pain or suffering. It’s true that you made an everlasting imprint on so many hearts of courage, strength, kindness, and faith. It’s true that you will not be forgotten. It’s true that we will see you again.
My partner, friend, and brother, I love you always. I know you’ll rap for our Lord until we see each other again.
Below is a video tribute for my brother LZ, the song is one of the first we record in 2012, it feature my wife Jasmine Baxter aka Jaz. I apologize if it’s too long, many memories that I wanted to last with a message from my brother himself.
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