What is going on everybody!! It’s a new week, full of adventures to conquer, and new experiences to explore… Unless you’re scared!! Don’t let fear of the unknown control what you could accomplish. I think we all deal with the fear of the unknown; I know I do. It is hard to fully enjoy life when there is no risk or challenge. A goal of mine is to really impact our culture through my writing. I have a great deal of fear, if I can be totally honest, because I am not sure if this is worth it. I also fear that nobody will read these blog posts. On the other end of that, I would rather try and fail, than to not try at all and regret not going for my goals because of fear.
Don’t get it twisted though, I am not saying to just go out and act ignorantly. What I am saying is, is to not withhold your experiences on earth because of being scared of the result. Ask that girl out, go on a roller coaster, write hard topics that may not go over well with others. DARE TO LIVE AND LIVE WITHOUT FEAR. I am not afraid to say that I am a Christian, but I do believe that I can write topics other than the “super encouraging Jesus posts”. Dare to step out of the box. Ask questions to gain understanding. These things will help us to free ourselves from fear. Dare to chase your dreams. It is crazy how crippling fear can be in our daily lives. It can keep us from joy; it could keep us from finding and enjoying our purpose. Ultimately, fear needs to be eradicated from as much of our lives as possible, if we desire to have a fulfilling life.
Another aspect included in getting rid of fear, is to not be afraid of the process. Fear cannot just disappear with one choice. It takes time to become comfortable with something. Don’t be afraid of that. Explore the possibilities, even different things that you aren’t totally used to or comfortable with. Dare to be different. I think a huge way we can live without fear is taking a step to stand out and not just go along with what society is seeing as normal. Like I said before, don’t just ignorantly rebel, but make informed choices.
Overall, fear can cripple us, when we are called to have an abundant life. Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to interview an artist that is gaining quite a bit of notoriety. I was extremely nervous because I hadn’t done an interview before, and because I get nervous around celebrities. I hesitated to say the least. Before I gave up and let him walk past me, I took a deep breath and shook his hand. From that point, we had a very interesting talk about making music and how our passions can line up with opportunities. It was such an amazing experience, but even more than that, I learned to just go for every opportunity that I can. I hope that encourages someone out there. Please feel free to leave feedback and suggestions for topics as well. I would love to hear from you all!!
Much Love,
Ryan W.