Slingshot David (The Album): A Sit Down With Dee-1
#SlingShotDavid (The Album) preorder NOW: Ze11a interviews Dee-1 in depth. Available everywhere 11-10-17!!! Video Shot & Edited by
Mahogany Jones – “Keep On” | @mahoganyjonez @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6 NLT I’ve been talking about unity a lot. I think one of the undertones of that topic and the Christian walk […]
Indie Tribe Drops “High Horse” Single ft New Signee WHATUPRG | @nobigdyl @whatuprg @moglitheiceburg @jarrymanna @indiextribe @trackstarz

Out of Middle TN, we got new heat from indie tribe. They just dropped the track, “High Horse” featuring the entire collective with the addition of the latest signee to the burgeoning group, WHATUPRG. You may have seen him on a few tracks like nobigdyl.’s “Venus”off of his ‘Canopy’ album or Mogli’s “Ride My Own”off […]
Jet Trouble Drops New Single “Youth” Ft Paul Russell | @jettrouble @trackstarz

Jet Trouble releases a new song entitled “Youth” ft. Paul Russell. Check it out and comment below.