Datin – P.T.L. (Praise The Lord)
PRE-ORDER NOW at Special Price!!! http://smarturl.it/TheMenaceMixtape
Joey Jewish Announces TVP2 Pre Order starts 11.7.17. And New Visual Drop | @joeyjewish @trackstarz

It’s official. Joey Jewish announces TVP2 Pre Order starts 11.7.17 and new visual drops the same day. Keep a look out!
Uzuhan Drops “Uzuhan” Official Music Video | @uzuhanmusic @trackstarz

Uzuhan drops “Uzuhan” official music video. Check it out and comment below.
Datin Drops P.T.L.(Praise The Lord) Audio From Upcoming ‘The Menace Mixtape’| @datin_tripled @trackstarz

Datin drops “P.T.L. (Praise The Lord)” audio from ‘The Menace Mixtape’ set to drop 11/10/2017. Head over, get your pre-order and comment below.
Derek Minor Releases “Walls” ft Urban Rescue Lyric Video | @thederekminor @trackstarz

Derek Minor release the lyric video for “Walls” featuring Urban Rescue. Let’s break down these walls we have built and love freely. Check it out and comment below!
“What is IT?” | @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.” Psalms 23:4 NLT http://bible.us/116/psa.23.4.nlt I recently went and saw the movie “IT“. Not once, but twice. Now I’m not a horror movie type of person. I […]
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness | @intercession4ag @trackstarz

Michelle Alexander is the brave author who so carefully authored this work. I believe she had in mind as her audience all Americans, despite their ethnic affiliation to prove that many of the things we’ve heard for years relating to institutional racism targeted at African-Americans are not just hearsay, but true and needs to be […]