When God’s Hand Is On You | @thisiscornelius @trackstarz

When God’s Hand Is On You | @thisiscornelius @trackstarz

Cornelius Lindsey dropped his latest book ‘When God’s Hand is on you.’ This book has been blessing many and creating a great buzz. You can get your copy on Amazon or listen to it on Audible.com. Check out the book details below and be encouraged. “The two greatest moments of your life are the day […]

Phanatik – “In Here” | @phanatik @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

Phanatik – “In Here” | @phanatik @damo_seayn3d @trackstarz

          I guess it’s safe to say we live in some racially charged times being fresh off of the heels of a white supremest rally in Charlottesville, VA. Not to mention the constant racial insensitivity that is shown by our president. Along with the recent rise of the Black Lives Matter […]