What is Jay Z’s 4:44 really about? – dissect

The Trackstarz are determined to bring high-quality Godly content to the mainstream. find out more here: trackstarz.com/universe LEARN MORE ABOUT THE TRACKSTARZ —————————————————————— Check

New Podcast!: Greatest Flows, Glorious, Comics, Showdown 10: 8/5/17

New Podcast!: Greatest Flows, Glorious, Comics, Showdown 10: 8/5/17

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/336782859″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]   Intro Top List – Greatest Flows in Hip Hop (new song) Sherrod White-Ride (new song) Charlene Nash & Cortes- Real Love ET Report (Commercial) (new song) Derek Minor ft Deraj & Byron Juane- Astronaut Dissect – Macklemore – Glorious Top Of The Hour (Commercial) Joey Jewish- 64 […]

Ruslan Announces New Mixtape ‘Indie Jones’ | @ruslankd @trackstarz

Ruslan Announces New Mixtape ‘Indie Jones’ | @ruslankd @trackstarz

Ruslan recently announced that he will be releasing a new project titled ‘Indie Jones’ slated to release on August 21st, 2017. Ruslan feels like this is some of his most important work to date as well as some of his best music. The tape will be mostly new music as well as some of the […]