Work Smart Show And Ultimate Drum University | Business With Bordeaux Podcast | @worksmartshow @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
This week I get a chance to speak with two gentleman from New Zealand about starting business and entrepreneurship. Stephan Speller is the founder of the Work Smart Show which focusing on business, entrepreneurship, and maximizing your work experience. Jared Green is growing his online drum instructor business. Stephan and Jared share their journeys and […]
Don’t Wait, Live Out Your Calling Now | Business With Bordeaux Blog | @jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz
I believe that everyone here on earth has a calling of some sort. I also believe that some people find it early in life while others spend their whole life searching for it. This week I would like to address those of you who know what you are called to do. I specifically want to […]
Reconcile Drops Banger “Ain’t No Way”| @reconcileus @rmgtweets @trackstarz

Reconcile and RMG Amplify aren’t playing any games! Reconcile just dropped a new single called “Ain’t No Way” and you need this in your life! Cop the single here and stay tuned as it seems as if Reconcile is just getting started. Peep the single below.
Th3 Saga Excorcised Tink Da Demon| @urltv @th3saga @trackstarz
Faith based Queens emcee Th3 Saga came back in a major way! Not that he went anywhere but cats stay swearing Th3 Saga fell off. How Sway? During the Born Legacy 5 Event Th3 Saga battled Tink Da Demon and the internet been rumbling about it ever since. Veteran Tay Roc asked Th3 Saga how […]