“The Shack” author William “WM” Paul Young
Recently seen on Oprah The Trackstarz are determined to bring high-quality Godly content to the mainstream. find out more here: trackstarz.com/universe LEARN MORE
Selah The Corner – Masquerade (#MOAPW OUT NOW!!!)
“Memoirs Of A Perfect World” Available Now Everywhere Digital Music Is Sold!!! http://godovermoney.com/releases/memoirs-of-a-perfect-world/
WM. Paul Young From ‘The Shack’ Sits Down With Trackstarz| @wmpaulyoung @theshackmovie @trackstarz

This morning, Mr. William Paul Young the author of ‘The Shack’ sat down with Trackstarz for one of the most touching interviews to date. Check it out and get ready to be very encouraged. Thank you Mr. Young for sharing your morning with us.
Single Ladies, Are You Ready For This Responsibility in Marriage? – Part 5| @intercession4ag @trackstarz

A Modern Day Example of a Test of Submission in a Marriage Relationship: Let’s take the below scenario as an example of how a woman can apply this principle in marriage. Remember we want a husband who is submitted to the Lord already and this will minimize disagreements. However, let’s say a woman’s husband picks […]
Mitch Darrell ‘Black Skin Colorless Soul’ Album Review| @Mitchell_DaRel @kennyfresh1025 @trackstarz

These are perilous times we are living in. America is as divided as it’s ever been and that division has been made even more apparent in the church. A lot of Christian Hip Hop artists have been making music to speak on what’s in their hearts in regard to the gospel and race and racial […]